Don't get left behind! The marketing funnel has changed

Hey Reader,

As a business owner, we know it’s imperative to be constantly looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition and attract more customers. But have you taken a closer look at your marketing funnel lately?

The traditional sales funnel had six steps:

  1. Awareness
  2. Interest
  3. Consideration
  4. Intent
  5. Evaluation
  6. Purchase.

But now, the way companies sell things has changed. Two new steps have been added.

  1. Taking care of customers after they buy something (post-purchase)
  2. Getting them to tell others about it (advocacy).

The Missing Pieces: Post-Purchase and Advocacy

Post-purchase is the experience customers have after buying your product or service.

It's the unboxing, the trying out, and the overall feeling they get from using what they've bought.

Apple is a master of this stage, making sure their products are always a joy to unwrap and use.

After people buy something, they might tell their friends or family about it. This is called advocacy. They might say something online, like on social media, or just talk about it in person.

This is when your customers start to really love your product or service and want to tell everyone about it!

Why You Need to Focus on Post-Purchase and Advocacy

They don't realise that the way people buy things has changed, and that leaves the door open for you to fill that gap.

You need to add post-purchase and advocacy to your marketing funnel because:

  • You want to make sure your customers are happy with what they bought (post-purchase).
  • You want them to tell their friends and family about how great you are (advocacy).

Think of it like a restaurant:

  • Post-purchase is like checking if the customer liked their meal.
  • Advocacy is like them telling all their friends how delicious it was and making them want to go there too!

How to Incorporate Post-Purchase and Advocacy into Your Marketing

  1. Map Your Customer Journey: Take a close look at each stage of your marketing funnel and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Invest in Packaging and Storytelling: Make your product or service a joy to unbox and use.
  3. Treat Your Customers Like Gold! Make sure they're happy and have a great experience with your company, so they'll want to come back and tell others about it!
  4. Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Make it easy for customers to share their experiences with others.
  5. Reward Loyalty: Show your customers that you value their loyalty and advocacy.

How to Map Your Customer Journey

Making a map of what your customers do and how they feel helps you know what they need, what's tricky for them, and what makes them smile!

Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify Your Customer Segments: Who are your ideal customers? What are their demographics, needs, and pain points?
  2. List All Touch points: Where do customers interact with your brand? This includes social media, website, customer service, packaging, and more.
  3. Describe the Experience: What happens at each touchpoint? What are the customer's thoughts, feelings, and motivations?
  4. Identify Pain Points: Where are customers struggling or getting frustrated?
  5. How Can You Make It Better? Where can you make things easier, faster, or more fun for your customers?
  6. Visualise the Journey: Use a diagram or map to visualize the customer journey. This will help you see the big picture and identify areas for improvement.

We have a whole mastermind available within our InnerCircle marketing OS that teaches you exactly how to do deep level customer research that will skyrockets your sales. Apply Today.

Additional Tips

  • Put Yourself in Your Customer's Shoes: Try to experience your product or service as a customer would.
  • Gather Feedback: Ask customers for feedback and insights to improve your customer journey.
  • Keep Making It Better! Regularly look at how your customers are doing and make adjustments, so everything runs smoothly and makes them happy!

Incorporating Post-Purchase and Advocacy into Your Marketing

  1. Invest in Packaging and Storytelling: Make your product or service a joy to unbox and use.
  2. Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Make it easy for customers to share their experiences with others.
  3. Reward Loyalty: Show your customers that you value their loyalty and advocacy.

That's it! Follow these easy steps and your customers will be super happy!

Be a good friend to them - listen to what they say, make things easy, and show you care. Then, they'll spread the word and you'll build a business with an endless supply of customers!

Do you need help with your marketing funnel? I'm giving away 10 $1500 private 1:1 coaching sessions to help InnerCircle marketingOS members next week.

>> Join today to secure your free 1:1 coaching session.

Let's Go!


When you're ready, here's how I can help:

  • marketingOS: From running your first ads to building a personal brand. This is the ultimate tool kit for entrepreneurs in 2024.
  • Meta Ads Accelerator: Never run ads before? Start running successful ads within a few hours, using the same strategies and frameworks we use for our agency clients.
  • Customer Clarity: Did you know that finding who your exact customer is can substantially increase your sales? Follow our Step-by-step blueprint for creating a clear picture of your ideal customer.

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