How to Create Content That Feels Personal

Hey Reader,

Do you ever wonder why some brands seem to have a special connection with their customers?

They seem to know exactly what their customers want, and their products and content resonate with them on a deep level. It's like they have a secret formula to make their customers love them!

Well, I'm here to let you in on a little secret: it's not magic, it's just a matter of understanding who their ideal customer is. And I'm going to show you how to do the same for your business.

When you take the time to understand who your customer is, what they want, and what problems they face, you can create content and products that speak directly to their needs and desires.

This is the key to building a loyal community of customers who will love your brand and become your biggest advocates.

So, how do you get started?

  • Describe your dream customer: Who are they? What do they like? What problems do they face? Write down their age, interests, and goals.
  • Research their habits: Where do they hang out online? What social media platforms do they use? What blogs do they read? What podcasts do they listen to?
  • Listen to their concerns: What’s on their mind? What do they wish they had a solution for? You need to read reviews, join online communities, and ask questions to get inside their head.
  • Create content they love: Share tips, stories, and advice that resonate with them. Use language they understand, and talk about topics they care about.

Here's a simple, step-by-step plan to help you get started:

Step 1: Describe Your Dream Customer

  • Who are they? (age, gender, occupation, etc.)
  • What are their interests? (hobbies, passions, etc.)
  • What problems do they face? (pain points, challenges, etc.)

Step 2: Research Their Habits

  • Where do they hang out online? (social media, blogs, etc.)
  • What do they talk about? (topics, hashtags, etc.)
  • What do they like to read, watch, or listen to?

Step 3: Listen to Their Concerns

  • What keeps them up at night? (fears, worries, etc.)
  • What do they wish they had a solution for? (desires, goals, etc.)
  • What are their biggest pain points?

Step 4: Create Content They Love

  • Share tips, stories, and advice that resonate with them
  • Use language they understand and relate to
  • Create content that solves their problems or makes their life easier

Step 5: Engage and Build a Relationship

  • Respond to comments and messages in your customers language.
  • Ask for feedback and opinions.
  • Show them that you care and value their input. Everyone want’s your to make your product a different colour? Do it!

This is the secret to why some brands just seem to get their audience. And the result is, they'll be more likely to:

  • Trust you
  • Like you
  • Buy from you

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step today and start building a loyal community of customers who will love your brand!

If you want to dive deeper and make understanding your customer a breeze, our Customer Clarity course is perfect for you! In this course, you'll learn how to:

  • Create a clear picture of your ideal customer like never before
  • Develop a content strategy that truly resonates with them
  • Boost your sales by speaking directly to their needs
  • Use social media to connect with them on a much deeper level
  • Create a loyal community that loves your brand and listens to what you say

With Customer Clarity, you'll gain the confidence to create content and sales strategies that work like magic. Try it out today and start growing your business!

Don't let your competition "get" your customer before you do. Take the first step towards understanding your customer and growing your business.

Enrol in Customer Clarity now.

Let's go,

When you're ready, here's how I can help:

  • marketingOS: From running your first ads to building a personal brand. This is the ultimate tool kit for entrepreneurs in 2024.
  • Meta Ads Accelerator: Never run ads before? Start running successful ads within a few hours, using the same strategies and frameworks we use for our agency clients.
  • Customer Clarity: Did you know that finding who your exact customer is can substantially increase your sales? Follow our Step-by-step blueprint for creating a clear picture of your ideal customer.

Got questions, hit reply any time!

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